Experienced Thai Dance


January 25thFundraising for Nong Tao school children
Elgin Public School
April 11thCambodian New Year Party
St Anthony Italia Soccer Hall
April 13thCanadian Immigration Summit
Chateau Laurier
April 19thKing Rama I Commemoration
Ratchadham Buddhist Temple 1
April 30thBirthday Celebration
Khao Thai Restaurant
May 2ndVesak Day Celebration
Ottawa City Hall
May 10thKing Rama II Commemoration
Ratchadham Buddhist Temple 1
May 23rdAsian Heritage Month “Experience Asia”
Gatineau City Hall
June 17thPrincess Sirindhorn 60th Birthday Celebration
Thai Ambassador Residence
June 21stKing Rama III Commemoration with N1 Thai Boxing
Petawawa, Ontario
July 18thKing Rama IV Commemoration
TDO Theatre
August 1stKing Rama V Commemoration
Wakefield, Ouebec
August 15thWedding
The Delta Hotel
August 15th – 16thMolokai Festival
Jacques Cartier Park, Gatineau
September 5thKing Rama VI Commemoration
TDO Theatre
September 12thDestination Thailand
Younge-Dundas Square Toronto
October 3rdRendez-vous aux aines
Gatineau Cultural Centre
October 24thKing Rama VII Commemoration
TDO Theatre
November 22ndLoy Krathong
Sukhothai Restaurant Montreal
November 28thKing Rama VIII Commemoration
TDO Theatre
December 2ndOCCSC 40th Anniversary
Sala San Marco
December 3rdKing Rama IX Birthday Anniversary & Thai National Day Celebration
TDO Theatre